Throw the Bums Out
The people have spoken. And after watching 10 minutes of W’s press conference, I wish he wouldn’t. At least he sent Rummy to the showers. It looks like he’ll be bringing in more of Daddy’s team, which hopefully will moderate the influence of Dick “Mr. Sunshine” Cheney. Things are looking up. Maybe that checks and balances thing will even come back into vogue.
On the personal front, I’m pissed at most of my friends. I wanted to play social director and invite the townies to go see Borat. #1 beat me to the punch. He even got fancy and sent out an Evite invite. Then in the ensuing email barrage, #2 told us he’d rather go to Canada. He appears to be putting his career ahead of his friends. The Exec hurled some insults my way but since he can’t spell, the impact was minimized. On another matter, I got a whacko comment from The Wolverine about my previous post. That cat ain’t a poet and he don’t know it. If he keeps flapping him gums, I'm going to have to open up a cafeteria size can of whoopass on him. Like the Cards did to the Tigers.
I was at the club recently doing some TriBathalon training and I saw a lady registering a “suggestion” with the staff. Since the indoor pool is closed for a few months, the kids have to do their swimming lessons outside. She said there should be heat lamps by the pool. I clammed up but wanted to explain to her that we were in California, not Siberia. I had it a hell of a lot tougher when I was a kid. I walked two miles to school in the snow. 4M had it even tougher. He walked to school in the snow in The Bronx. 4M and his lovely bride came by this past weekend. I served a “restaurant quality” osso buco. 4M brought the following gems, in order of appearance:
1996 Bert Simon Serrig Wurtberg Riesling
2004 Vihuela Concierto del Rojo
1998 Turley Rattlesnake Acres Petite Syrah
He was not particularly impressed with the Vihuela. I was not particularly impressed with him.
Speaking of weather, it’s getting to be that time of year when I have to send the daily weather report to my friend JB. I’ve mentioned her once before. She’s the one that used my letters as kindling about 20 years ago. Genius that could have been posted on my blog as my early work went up in smoke. My university’s librarian is lamenting that tragic loss. So I like to send JB the NorCal weather report and ask her to compare and contrast it to the upstate NY weather scene. She responds but sometimes she can get grumpy. Maybe it’s cabin fever. JB is the most famous lawyer in her town of two thousand people. Most people don’t know that The University of Phoenix has a law school but she is one of their most prominent grads. I’m sure she’ll have some witty comments that she’ll post in response to this. As long as they aren’t too witty. It’s my blog and nobody’s stealing my thunder.
On the personal front, I’m pissed at most of my friends. I wanted to play social director and invite the townies to go see Borat. #1 beat me to the punch. He even got fancy and sent out an Evite invite. Then in the ensuing email barrage, #2 told us he’d rather go to Canada. He appears to be putting his career ahead of his friends. The Exec hurled some insults my way but since he can’t spell, the impact was minimized. On another matter, I got a whacko comment from The Wolverine about my previous post. That cat ain’t a poet and he don’t know it. If he keeps flapping him gums, I'm going to have to open up a cafeteria size can of whoopass on him. Like the Cards did to the Tigers.
I was at the club recently doing some TriBathalon training and I saw a lady registering a “suggestion” with the staff. Since the indoor pool is closed for a few months, the kids have to do their swimming lessons outside. She said there should be heat lamps by the pool. I clammed up but wanted to explain to her that we were in California, not Siberia. I had it a hell of a lot tougher when I was a kid. I walked two miles to school in the snow. 4M had it even tougher. He walked to school in the snow in The Bronx. 4M and his lovely bride came by this past weekend. I served a “restaurant quality” osso buco. 4M brought the following gems, in order of appearance:
1996 Bert Simon Serrig Wurtberg Riesling
2004 Vihuela Concierto del Rojo
1998 Turley Rattlesnake Acres Petite Syrah
He was not particularly impressed with the Vihuela. I was not particularly impressed with him.
Speaking of weather, it’s getting to be that time of year when I have to send the daily weather report to my friend JB. I’ve mentioned her once before. She’s the one that used my letters as kindling about 20 years ago. Genius that could have been posted on my blog as my early work went up in smoke. My university’s librarian is lamenting that tragic loss. So I like to send JB the NorCal weather report and ask her to compare and contrast it to the upstate NY weather scene. She responds but sometimes she can get grumpy. Maybe it’s cabin fever. JB is the most famous lawyer in her town of two thousand people. Most people don’t know that The University of Phoenix has a law school but she is one of their most prominent grads. I’m sure she’ll have some witty comments that she’ll post in response to this. As long as they aren’t too witty. It’s my blog and nobody’s stealing my thunder.
At 11/12/2006 7:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bring it, wine boy. The Wolv
At 11/16/2006 5:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Humph....over a week and no posts?
You're as productive as the Republicans were when they controled Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of government.
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