DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

All Is Well

The Wolverine and I have kissed and made up. He called me collect and we gabbed for what seemed like hours. I hate conflict, whether it’s between me and my pals or even Brits like Elton John and George Michael. Those guys have mended fences as well so I'm feeling good.

From the academic world, there have been a few studies of import published recently. The first is from one the Bay Area's premier universities, San Jose State, and it claims:

"People who consume alcohol earn significantly more at their jobs than non-drinkers, according to a US study that highlighted "social capital" gained from drinking.”

It helps explain a great deal, including how many of my friends and I manage to make a decent living. However, I'd still like to know whether I should drink coffee or not.

USC has produced a shocking study that says celebrities are more narcissistic than the average person. Dr. Drew Pinksy of MTV fame was one of the authors. I think they are off base because I don't consider myself or any of my Tinsel Town cohorts narcissistic. To paraphrase of one of my favorite J Lo songs, "I'm still DJ from the block"

By the way, does anyone know where can I get one of those wearable clocks like Flavor Flav has?


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