Do you remember that time disgraced ex-President Nixon praised Brezhnev’s “genius” for invading Afghanistan? Of course you don’t, because even a wanker like Tricky Dick would never stoop to such depths. Those were the days when Republicans treated Russians with suspicion, not bonhomie. I cannot fathom how anyone could support Trump after his recent statements. Republican elected officials go along with him because they are terrified of him, but there are millions of Americans that still love the guy. And I can’t consider them my fellow Americans when they take Comrade Carlson’s blather for truth. As far as Vlad goes, I’ve seen many articles saying he is unhinged, and that Ukraine will be his Waterloo. On the first point there’s little doubt, but we can only hope the second is correct.
Other than that, everything is going great. MTG is canoodling with white supremacists and Boebert the Boob is talking about freeing Canada. These two are gaffe machines and if there is any justice in the world, they will both be defeated soundly in November. Hopefully blackshirt Paul Gosar will be swept out along with them.
On the home front, my wife and I put together the replacement for the aforementioned shitbox yesterday afternoon. This was accomplished without vitriol and now we have a place to display all our lovely succulents. Since my wife loves to entertain, I’m sure we’ll have people over this weekend to show it off. Last weekend we had The Hoteliers and Charlie over for an early dinner, since Charlie had an 6am flight the next day. I disappointed my wife by having dinner ready 10 minutes early, which did not allow her enough time to do her part, which was microwaving the vegetables she had roasted earlier. I vowed to her that I’d do better next time.
The night before many folks from the FC village got together to go to the Picasso Immersive Exhibition in SF. I like being immersed as much as the next guy. It was a pretty cool event, with paintings and video running on a loop. The venue had a bar, so we had a quick one before we trekked over to Fable for an excellent meal on their patio. On our walk back from the restaurant we encountered a solid citizen puffing away on a joint. We caught up with him at the red light and chatted him up. He then dug into his bag to hand us a hybrid pre-roll. Who says that cities are cold places?
Today marks 16 years since I started this blog. This is my 648th post. Who could have predicted a shy boy from upstate NY would rise to such heights?
My wife mentioned recently that we need to make a donation to help Ukraine. We have not done so yet, but we are on board with the rest of the free world, even neutral Switzerland, in trying to help.
At 3/01/2022 12:36 PM,
The-Hamiltons said…
As far as helping Ukraine, is suggest World Central Kutchen It's Jose Andres's brain child and a wonderful charity that is helping feed Ukraine refugees TODAY!
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