DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Tax Season Cometh

I’ve finally gathered and turned in all our tax data to my accounting firm, Mazars, so I can now turn my attention to the blog.

There have been several interesting articles detailing the travails of our most recent ex-President in Charles Pierce’s Esquire column, so I’ll direct you there and reserve further comment on that smirking SOB for this post.  You can start here.  I think Esquire will give you a few freebies. If not, pony up.

The day after I gifted you my last post, we flew off to Palm Springs to join the Wigs, who are spending the month there. We had a nice time luxuriating by the pool and playing with their 15-month-old granddaughter. The entire crew took a walk into town, and we put on the feedbag at a local Mexican eatery.  We were able to enjoy sunny weather and warm temperatures for the entire trip.

The next day the bambina and her dad flew home and the four of us were off to check out the Palm Springs tram.  The floor rotates but I didn’t quite get the hang of it. My wife kept putting her arm around my waste to tug me along so I wouldn’t flop on the lady next to me.  At least that’s the way she tells it.  I was too preoccupied with trying not to hurl to notice.  And my bud Wig was not enamored of the heights.  Once on top, the temperature dropped quite a bit, but the sun still kept us warm enough.  Those three took a little trek and I sat alone with my deep thoughts.

Up there, we had a good view of the wind turbines down below.  Mrs. Wig told us an interesting story of her plane seatmate, who was watching Fox News non-stop.  He claimed that the turbines created the wind that caused the turbulence they experienced during landing.  I’m sorry that I was not able to engage this stable genius in conversation. I was discussing this encounter later with the Wig and I referred to wind turbans. He gently corrected me.  He was also kind enough to have change available for my C note when I lost my Super Bowl bet to him.

Charlie is in town from Massachusetts, so we had a little get together at the abode last night. We fired up the outside heaters, but it was a pretty warm night, so we were able to have a lot of quality pergola time.  #1 and Barbie were able to join us as well.  The wife tried a new baked bean recipe that came out great along with her killer coleslaw. She was able to pull this all off while wearing a boot for her twisted ankle she just picked this week from her orthopedist.  My contribution was grilling up some chicken sausage.  We had big fun and I was still able to hop in bed before 9:00.


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