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I don’t have a ton to say, but that has never stopped me before.
Alas, I came in tied for 31st in my regular season NFL pool. You not only cannot see the money from there, you cannot even imagine it. I get to try again in the playoff pool, which has 35 contestants. Since there are 13 games, including Super Bowl LVI, you assign a unique number 1-13 to each game. For this week, I put 13 on KC, 12 on TB, 4 on CIN, 3 on BUF, 2 on LAR and 1 on DAL. If you need more details on the mathematics involved, call me on my disconnected home phone line. Regardless, like Hillary, I’m in it to win it.
We had a little back and forth via What’s App with the Foster City boys recently. We do this to supplement our riveting Tuesday evening video chat. As Bob Saget had passed, The Belgian referenced him, as his wife had met Saget in a NYC restaurant years ago. She was apparently not shy during their encounter and The Belgian joked of her affair with him. The Exec bought this hook, line and sinker, so I started busting chops that The Exec was having an affair with a telenovela star, as he spends several weeks in Mexico during the winter. I also said that #1 was schtupping Flo the Progressive Lady, whom I should mention is a proud Binghamton graduate. Gosh, the fun badinage we have!
I had a chat with The Wig this week as well. He told me he will be spending all of February in Palm Springs and he graciously invited us down for several days. I’ve hung close to the Queens boy for over forty years, due to his fierce loyalty as well as the fact that I can live rent-free, both in his head and at his many vacation locales.
Another bud, The Wolv, checked in also. He sent me this pic. I decided to block out his face to spare him any embarrassment when this blog finally goes viral, which I’m expecting to happen in the early 2040s. I was impressed with his funky fresh outfit, especially the support hose and the hat’s jaunty angle, but I’m unclear on his affiliation with Colorado College. Maybe he’ll let me know if he ever speaks to me again.
My bud The Banker has a birthday today, one he shares with MLK as well as my old man. My dad, whom I jokingly called Papa Doc on occasion, would have been 101 today. Below is a video I shared with the FC boys. I’m putting it here as it was one of the few off-color jokes that Papa Doc heartily approved of. Happy birthday gents.
At 1/19/2022 11:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I've been getting calls from Duchovny, he wants me for the next X-Files remake.
At 1/19/2022 11:58 AM,
DJ said…
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