DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Just Another Post

This blog is being brought to you by local Fox affiliate KTVU, which in all their wisdom decided to broadcast the Seahawks/Panthers game as opposed to something interesting like Packers/Bears or Texans/Titans.  Therefore, my morning has been freed up for this persiflage.  I’ll provide my week’s picks at the conclusion.

Mrs. #1 is in town, so we had her for dinner last night along with The Exec.  We provided a casada, a typical Costa Rican meal of grilled fish, plantains, black beans and rice.  My wife is the fish BBQ expert and she pulled it off again.  The Exec brought a couple bottles of wine that he managed to drop out of his car twice before he arrived, but they survived his extreme clumsiness.  We enjoyed his Seghesio Zin.

It is coming up on that holiday season.  4M and I are besides ourselves.  I sent his present earlier this week.  We have a gift exchange tradition like no other.  It began in the late 60s when we were just pups in Catholic grade school.  And your annual Xmas letter was dropped off at the post office yesterday, so we are off.  The kids will be home Saturday.  Even the President* is getting in the spirit.  He celebrates Festivus year-round by the constant airing of the grievances.  He’s now upset that Greta Thunberg got Time person of the year instead of him, so his lickspittle staff photoshopped his head on her cover picture.  And we are stuck with him because of Moscow Mitch. This is your democracy at work.  Cherish it.


OK, so I watched some of the Seahawks game.  I’m doing pretty good today. Speaking of epilogues, do you remember that TV show FBI?  They had epilogues.  C’mon, you remember the show.  It was a Quinn Martin production.

Bal NE TB Hou KC NYG  Phi  Sea GB Min Oak Cle LAR SF Buf NO


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