DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, June 03, 2018

I’m A Content Provider

I put a link to my blog on FB last night and I am simply stunned by the results, including one FB comment and blog hits from two separate sources.  This is the power of social media.

I’m going to a pot luck dinner tonight, but I don’t have to bring anything except a bottle of wine.  That’s my favorite kind of pot luck.  But I’ve spent the morning slaving over a hot stove nonetheless, making a fine chicken chili for a few meals this week.  I may even share some with our new roomie, a relative of #1. He’s a grad student with an internship in Santa Clara.  I have to determine how to break it to him that the #1s moved to Singapore so they didn’t have to live with him.  I really don’t understand it because he seems like a good kid.

My wife was out of town a few weekends ago.  I padded around the house a lot, occasionally peering out the window.  I then came to the realization I was one of those old men lurking around his house all day.  Pretty soon I’ll be yelling at school kids to stay off my lawn.

As I mentioned a few posts back, I do make notes for future blog use.  I had one about telling a waiter in a Spanish restaurant to heat up my gazpacho, but then realized I had used that crack years ago.  I’m sure you guys are used to me repeating myself anyway.  I’m 61 for God’s sake!

The wife is currently out doing her Zumba thing followed by a trip to Trader Joe’s.  Right now, I’m trying to figure out how to broach the topic of us having a long-distance relationship.


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