DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Tuesday, April 03, 2018


I don’t know what the hell it is either.
There have been a few celebrity splits lately, but I don’t want to focus on the negative.  I am cheered by the fact that the “hot felon” is having a baby.
SB1 had a birthday yesterday so I slipped him a few bucks, so he could take his girlfriend out for a nice dinner.  This continues a proud family tradition.  My dad would always give me a call on my birthday to let me know he was spending part of my inheritance on a chic dinner for himself and my mom to celebrate my birth.
My wife is going up to Portland this weekend to visit the girl.  I was originally slated for that trip until Mrs. Exec expressed some interest, which got me bumped. My wife gets away with a lot of shit, but she brings in a decent paycheck and has a pension, so I gotta choose my battles.  I invited some of the boys over for dinner but no takers so far. TCG told me he is heading down to San Diego for Greek Easter, or Greaster as I call it.
I asked The UK his thoughts on my blog.  He says it is OK but needs to be more edgy.  I think saying my wife gets away with a lot of shit and coining terms like Greaster is about as edgy as I’m going to get.  But the UK is a generous guy and he acknowledges that I had great hair in high school, so I got no beef.
#1 and family recently took a trip to Phuket, Thailand.  They were doing some scout work for Asiapalooza ’18, our FC fun bunch trip coming up this summer.  You can read their blog at:
It’ll probably be good to get out of the country for a couple weeks.  Do you ever read the news in the morning, shake your head, and wonder what the hell went wrong, as the U.S. executive branch transmogrifies into an absurdist drama?  Today the orange one is badmouthing CNN and their chief as well as talking about having the military guard the Mexican border.  This petty dope is your president.
But Trump does have his fans.  Thought leader Tomi Lahren is one of them.  She showed her support for the lunatic fringe that is the NRA by posting the below picture recently.  Her workout consists of the following yoga poses:
Cat and camel
Downward dog
Shoot your parts


  • At 4/07/2018 4:19 AM, Blogger Michael Ludwig's Blog said…

    It took me a while to see the discrete piece tucked into her Lulu lemons. I’d have more respect for her if she was in Stormy Daniel’s line of work.


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