DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Trump Dump

Do you recall the last time a sitting U.S. President used the term “laughing their asses off”? If you are a student of history, you must reach all the way back to the Rutherford B. Hayes administration.  That’s a joke, son.  And apologies to any fans of the Rutherford B. Hayes administration.
It is impossible to keep up with Trump’s “firehose of bullshit”, as John Oliver termed it.  I could occupy several hours just talking about the garbage spewing from today’s headlines, in which he blames Democrats both for the Russian meddling as well as the lack of gun control.
On that last issue, I’m as perplexed as the rest of you. The thoughts and prayers policy and change meme makes sense to me, but as Steve Kerr said, "It doesn't seem to matter to our government".  Former GOP rep David Jolly flat out said you have to vote the Republicans out because they will never do anything on gun control. People like Paul Ryan twist themselves into knots trying to explain that they can’t do anything to stop these mass shootings.  Steve Scalise even took a bullet and that didn’t change his mind. They are but two of the many craven tools of the NRA.
One other Trump mention and then I will move on to something less noxious.  I saw a few weeks ago that he was calling Priebus to complain about Kelly.  Maybe someone should remind Don that he fired Priebus.  In any case, I cannot imagine my old boss calling me to complain about my replacement.  The conversation would have to include the line “he can’t cut and paste nearly as well as you can”.
I realized last week that my post production had been lacking, so I asked my bud The Wig for a few ideas. He provided some, but since he was in Vail skiing, his brain may have been partially frozen.  He did give me one nugget I will use, which is Madonna’s topless photo holding a $4,000 purse. But I only mention it to caution you to avoid it.  It is ghastly.  She looks like she is wearing braces and recently got lip fillers.
I hope you all had a great Valentine’s Day.  I was a bit saddened that my wife thought it was more important to attend a work conference in Anaheim as opposed to staying home with me and holding hands while we watch another episode of Downton Abbey.  I misted up a bit driving her to SFO Wednesday morning, but I put up a brave front.
I’ll close with Westminster Dog Show news.  As a big fan of the Bichon Frise, I was excited to see that Flynn won.  I read that he is from Michigan, so I thought one of these outfits would come in handy.


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