DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Friday, April 26, 2013

Socialist Media

The Wig says that my FB posts and my blog are melding together, or that I'm re-using material, or something to that effect. I'm not sure of the exact reference because I really don't listen very closely when we are on the phone. The guy rarely has anything interesting to say. But he is right in this case. I really want this damn guitar.

I sent the link to my bud The Wolv because he is a cars and guitars guy. I haven't had a response to my note or the nice career brochures I sent him a while back. Therefore I've decided to communicate with him via the blog because he's probably the only regular reader I got left. So bud, have you considered a career in medical coding and billing. If so, I got a brochure for you.

I had a dream the other night, which I shared with my siblings. In it, me and the old man were on a city bus. I was playing the role of his IT assistant while he gave a presentation to the patrons. He kicked it off by recording it with the little device I usually keep in the car to save the occasional mediocre idea I have for the blog. Dad was dressed in full Brooks Brothers regalia, which is what he wore every day for 18 years on that long walk to the library in Middletown. He also had slides, which we projected in the window that usually illustrates the bus route.

This was my brother's response:

"In "The Old Man and the Sea" I recall that the titular character dreamed of women when he was young, but now that he was old, he dreamed of lions. I think his dreams were a reflection of his simple and pure nature.

Draw your own conclusions corporate boy."

My sister tagged on that we were not a normal family. Amen sister.


  • At 4/27/2013 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Even though I'm already stuck in a dangerous and daunting job working with people with chronic mental illness, I'm thankful that you've taken an interest in my career. Medical billing will surely be a growth industry, in part because of all the help that will be needed by the surgeons, nurses and hospital rehab staff involved in providing the care you'll need after I come out there and settle your corned beef hash once and for all.
    Get ready for a furious and injurious combination of donkey punches, sucker punches, kidney punches, one-two punches, rabbit punches and Ali-style bolo punches. I'd be happy to uncork a couple of vintage Hawaiian punches, but last I checked these might not be billable under the medical necessity for me to demolish you.
    If you're lucky, I might just throw in a little free curb stompin' and dry gulchin'. After all, somebody's got to start billing out your contract before ObamaCare gets your big, dumb ass in front of a well deserved death panel.
    My only hope is that I won't be too late to gain FDA approval for your much needed head shape correction therapy and plastic fantastic reconstructive male enhancement surgery.
    Got any more ideas on career options for me, pal?


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