DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Time For School

Most of my readers are rich. if for no other reason than they have a somewhat stable and relatively positive relationship with me. You slackers have been getting access to this blog free of charge for close to five years and now its time to pay up. Also, knowing you as I do, you're probably looking for some end of year tax dodge.

I just got a note from a great school named after one of my high school teachers. Another of my favorite teachers sits on the board. If you are looking for a worthy cause for your charitable donations, this is it. I ponied up and so should you. Tell them DJ sent you.

Nora Cronin Presentation Academy
120 South St
Newburgh, NY 12550


  • At 11/18/2010 3:49 PM, Anonymous The UK said…

    Considering the kind of student you were in high school, you should be making large and frequent donations to any charities associated with your former teachers....


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