DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Oooh Dreamweaver

In retrospect, that was a lousy song. But that's not today's topic

Susan Boyle's got nothing on me. I dreamed a dream too, earlier this week. My childhood chum 4M and I were at some resort. We were sleeping with a bunch of other people on the hotel's pool deck because we couldn't get into our rooms until the next day. Then, in the middle of the night, a bunch of stereotypically obnoxious New Yorkers, like some of my college classmates, arrived and started partying loudly on the deck. We complained a little and one guy said "we've been on a flight for 12 hours and we're ready to party". Eloquently put, my man.

So the hotel ended up finding rooms for all the folks on the deck, except me. I tracked down 4M and said "let me stay in your room, you got two beds right?". He said "no, only one bed". I said "I'll sleep on the floor, I promise I'll bring my CPAP". He said, "get lost". And that, in microcosm, is an apt description of our forty year acquaintanceship.

To conclude, I spent the rest of the night running around the hotel, with only a towel around my waist, complaining vigorously to any and all staff members.


  • At 11/07/2010 10:40 AM, Anonymous The UK said…

    I had an interesting dream last night too. But instead of 4M and a CPAC it involved Jessica Alba and a jacuzzi....

  • At 11/07/2010 11:33 AM, Blogger DJ said…

    Did Jessica tell you to get lost?


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