DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bank On It

I just flew in from the Led Zep concert, and boy, are my arms tired.

I haven't posted for a while because I've been tied up producing my annual masterwork, the Xmas letter. It's taken a lot out of me but I can't let my blog fans down.

We had half the FC village out to my kid's high school Saturday. The Banker was there to watch his daughter's team play my daughter's team. Both of these kids developed some serious skills under his tutelage as their middle school coach. The Banker doesn't get too much ink in my blog because he doesn't read it, but ‘tis the basketball season, so I'm putting my bitterness behind me. He’s got vets from his 3peat champs at at least three different high schools. They’ve all made the jump from 8th grade hoops directly to varsity ball. That’s coaching! I'm feeling so jolly that I may transfer my vast holdings to his financial institution. I need a wealth manager!

The UK hit the mid-century mark Monday. The last of our high school class to reach that milestone, I welcomed him to the Geezer Club with a personalized email, replete with AOL Art. But as my friends age, and my kids grow taller and smarter than me, some things remain the same. #1 owes me money again.


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