And Another Thing
Another thing that came out of last Friday’s round table was a general consensus that there needs to be more blog activity, and on a regular basis. The Exec said that I should be blogging daily. #1 said three days a week would be sufficient. I’d like to accommodate them to a certain extent so I’m going to be making an effort to establish a pattern. I appreciate regularity in other facets of my life so why should the blog be any different. However, The Exec’s idea is a bit much. If I were to do that, you’d often see entries such as “Well, it was another glorious day in my cube. I answered 23 emails, ignored 56 others, and let all my calls go to voice mail. Around about 11am, I started staring at a spreadsheet on my monitor, thinking about puppy dogs and butterflies, until 2pm rolled around and it was time to go home” Keep in mind The Exec’s thought process is not one a reasonable man would term normal. One of the guys at last week’s party works for Whole Foods, which is based in Austin. Several folks remarked that they were surprised it was based in Texas. The Exec used the analogy that “Austin is the Palo Alto of Texas”. What??!! I piggybacked on that idea by saying “Foster City is the Omaha of California”. #1 chimed in that San Mateo is the Wilmington of the West. You could see TCG thinking furiously but he made no contribution.
At 9/15/2007 8:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
I read with interest your attempt to blog on a regular basis. Suggestions of daily or three times per week were implied in your post. But it has been a week and nada.
I am disapointed :-(
Your friend in blogging,
Tahoe Larry
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