Thanks for Your Input
I've gotten a lot of commentary from my readers lately. The Wig thinks I need to write a piece about celebrity adoption. The theme is "charity begins at home". His thought is that Angelina Jolie should adopt Lindsay Lohan. That's probably not a bad idea. It would free up Lindsay's mom to do the reality show she wants. It’s too bad nobody in that family is grounded in reality. The premise of the show is Dina’s quest to make her other kids famous. Great idea! Look what it did for Lindsay.
I also heard from the other member of the Binghamton triumvirate, Dr. Joe. He contacts me when he needs something. He thinks that just because he saved my life back in the spinal cord tumor days, I owe him something. He had a favor to ask so I swiftly granted it but then zinged him about not reading my blog. He left a riposte on my 5/28 post. He’s always been a joker. It brought me back to a night in his dorm room in ’79 when he grabbed a nearby hip length belted cardigan and a pair of clogs and did his best imitation of our stylish Long Island classmates. “So, what’s your mayjah”? For those of you that don’t speak Lawnguylandese, a mayjah is a course of study. Now that I reflect on it further, it wasn’t Dr. Joe doing that inebriated skit, it was me. Dr. Joe is a bright guy but doesn’t have much of a sense of humor. I can see his comment the next time I chide him about not reading the blog. “Did too read it!”
TCG provided his two cents when I went over to his house last week. He was hosting a dinner for kids that were going on a Costa Rica trip. The parents got to go too; to his house, not Costa Rica. As soon as I stepped in the door, I got an earful how he’s been checking my blog and I haven’t posted frequently enough. I serve no drivel before its time TCG. I walked away in a huff, singing my theme song, Leslie Gore’s “You Don’t Own Me”.
Shortly thereafter I get pulled aside by The Exec so he could gloat about his recent promotion. He likes to rub it in. He knows I'll be a bandwidth bureaucrat until social security kicks in, or I keel over from boredom, whichever comes first. He tells me that he now wants to be referred to as his VPness. Although that is a very fitting name for my vertically challenged friend, The Exec is indelibly etched in the mind of a dozen readers and it would not be fair to them to make that change. There is also the possibility he will become CEO, COO or some other C so VPness is too limiting for his career.
This Costa Rica kickoff event was quite fun. There were a few auslanders there, such as folks from South San Francisco and Millbrae, but we all got on pretty well. Everybody pitched in with a dish and the dinner was delish. I contributed a large bowl of ceviche. People said they liked it. I was a little nervous about transporting it so I secured it in the back seat. That’s where the term “seatbelt your ceviche” comes from. #1 contributed a Brazilian chicken dish. It reminded me of the old chestnut where someone asks directions. The first guy asks “Hey, can you tell me how to get to Costa Rica?” The second guy says “Do you know where Brazil is?” First guy says “Yeah”. The second guy says “It’s nowhere near there”. That’s my convoluted way of explaining #1’s lack of geographical orientation. Plus the guy is a tightwad. He brought about a pound and a half of chicken for 30 people.
Since we were sending our kids off for about 10 days to a foreign land, we considered sitting them down and giving the requisite “Get your mind right Luke” speech. In the end we decided against it. We were comfortable that between their proper upbringing and the tracking devices we planted on them, all would be OK.
I also got some blog suggestions from the upstate boys via a little email badinage we had last week. The topic of discussion was MS Outlook. The Upgrade King referred to is as “a 200MB hairball, one of the worst pieces of software ever developed in the history of computing”. Although a tad harsh in my judgment, The UK gets the upgrades because he knows his stuff. However, 4M and I find Outlook perfectly serviceable. TK uses some other whiz bang product. Well, gentle readers, what are your thoughts on MS Outlook? We’d really like to know.
I also heard from the other member of the Binghamton triumvirate, Dr. Joe. He contacts me when he needs something. He thinks that just because he saved my life back in the spinal cord tumor days, I owe him something. He had a favor to ask so I swiftly granted it but then zinged him about not reading my blog. He left a riposte on my 5/28 post. He’s always been a joker. It brought me back to a night in his dorm room in ’79 when he grabbed a nearby hip length belted cardigan and a pair of clogs and did his best imitation of our stylish Long Island classmates. “So, what’s your mayjah”? For those of you that don’t speak Lawnguylandese, a mayjah is a course of study. Now that I reflect on it further, it wasn’t Dr. Joe doing that inebriated skit, it was me. Dr. Joe is a bright guy but doesn’t have much of a sense of humor. I can see his comment the next time I chide him about not reading the blog. “Did too read it!”
TCG provided his two cents when I went over to his house last week. He was hosting a dinner for kids that were going on a Costa Rica trip. The parents got to go too; to his house, not Costa Rica. As soon as I stepped in the door, I got an earful how he’s been checking my blog and I haven’t posted frequently enough. I serve no drivel before its time TCG. I walked away in a huff, singing my theme song, Leslie Gore’s “You Don’t Own Me”.
Shortly thereafter I get pulled aside by The Exec so he could gloat about his recent promotion. He likes to rub it in. He knows I'll be a bandwidth bureaucrat until social security kicks in, or I keel over from boredom, whichever comes first. He tells me that he now wants to be referred to as his VPness. Although that is a very fitting name for my vertically challenged friend, The Exec is indelibly etched in the mind of a dozen readers and it would not be fair to them to make that change. There is also the possibility he will become CEO, COO or some other C so VPness is too limiting for his career.
This Costa Rica kickoff event was quite fun. There were a few auslanders there, such as folks from South San Francisco and Millbrae, but we all got on pretty well. Everybody pitched in with a dish and the dinner was delish. I contributed a large bowl of ceviche. People said they liked it. I was a little nervous about transporting it so I secured it in the back seat. That’s where the term “seatbelt your ceviche” comes from. #1 contributed a Brazilian chicken dish. It reminded me of the old chestnut where someone asks directions. The first guy asks “Hey, can you tell me how to get to Costa Rica?” The second guy says “Do you know where Brazil is?” First guy says “Yeah”. The second guy says “It’s nowhere near there”. That’s my convoluted way of explaining #1’s lack of geographical orientation. Plus the guy is a tightwad. He brought about a pound and a half of chicken for 30 people.
Since we were sending our kids off for about 10 days to a foreign land, we considered sitting them down and giving the requisite “Get your mind right Luke” speech. In the end we decided against it. We were comfortable that between their proper upbringing and the tracking devices we planted on them, all would be OK.
I also got some blog suggestions from the upstate boys via a little email badinage we had last week. The topic of discussion was MS Outlook. The Upgrade King referred to is as “a 200MB hairball, one of the worst pieces of software ever developed in the history of computing”. Although a tad harsh in my judgment, The UK gets the upgrades because he knows his stuff. However, 4M and I find Outlook perfectly serviceable. TK uses some other whiz bang product. Well, gentle readers, what are your thoughts on MS Outlook? We’d really like to know.
At 6/26/2007 12:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
"I will serve no drivel beofre its time" .... In the absence of quality, perhaps a wiser course of action would be quantity.
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut - occassionally.
At 6/26/2007 12:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Paris released (sort of an OJ chase redux).
Lindsay to stay in rehab!
Britney photographed topless coming out of bikini shop dressing room.
Nicole Ritchie pregnant!
And the US Supreme Court issues a decision that should, sans politics, assure that Scooter Libby's sentence will be upheld (will see - never underestimate Cheney and Rove -
All this and the Detritus remains silent.
TMZ is kicking your ass.
Disgruntled Devotee
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