DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter and Everything After

I haven't put up a good blog post in quite a while. Ever, you say? Well, opinions are like smart phones. Everyone's got one. Even me.

I jumped from the 90's to the present last weekend when I ditched my flip and activated my smaht phone (as in Casey Affleck's line in Good Will Hunting: My boy's wicked smaht). SB1 got the same phone at the same time. Now we're the phone twins. I told him if he can get a buddy to get the same one we could be Fun Boy Three. And I don't throw around obscure 80's band references lightly. I told the boy that since we now have twin phones, the next step is twin tats. Since I 'll be back in DC next month, as he allegedly graduates, I told him we could do it then. I'm thinking he goes with a double deuce and I do the double nickel. Then we'll get them lasered on our next birthdays.

We had a great Easter dinner at #1's house along with the #2s. Champagne and wine flowed freely to get us ready for the lamb feast. We dressed SB2 in a cute outfit, which is a story in itself. He generally only wears t-shirts and gym shorts so he knew something was up. And was not having any of it. My wife spent about five minutes trying to get his one button down shirt on before I stepped in and wrestled him into it. The shorts had a zipper and button. He didn't fight that too much, but he didn't have to like it

I'm looking forward to a relaxing Saturday evening. I've got the most recent episodes of Mad Men and Real Time on the DVR. I told the wife she's responsible for dinner. She has to both call it in and pick it up.


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