My Son's a Bum
And my wife is shirking her responsibilities.
First off, to the best of my knowledge, my son has not done a damn thing but play video games for the last week. He could be getting ahead in his coursework but that is highly unlikely. Since he's in DC, school has been shut down all week. I trudged through plenty worse back in my Binghamton days, but today's kids are coddled.
My wife has chosen this weekend to go down to San Diego to see her mom, regardless of the fact that she's well aware Valentine's Day is the most important Hallmark holiday of all to me. I'll be taking solace in the company of the FC boys at dinner tomorrow night, along with some of their wives. The ones who apparently care. #1 is wifeless as well so he'll be my date.
Hey, have you been to the Foster City Safeway lately? It's quite a place. They installed self checkout a few months ago. I was going to use the regular checkout today because I had a lot of stuff but the lines were too long so I went self serve. There was a geezer next to me grumbling about the lack of express lanes and the difficulty of using the machines. He was looking to me for concurrence but I was minding my own business. This guy had a band-aid positioned vertically on his bald pate, kind of like a racing stripe. In five years, I'm that guy. I had a bit of trouble with the machines as well. It shut down a couple times and the clerk came over and explained to me that leaning on it throws it off due to the scale. I said “Is it me? Am I uncoordinated?” He assured me that was not the case.
First off, to the best of my knowledge, my son has not done a damn thing but play video games for the last week. He could be getting ahead in his coursework but that is highly unlikely. Since he's in DC, school has been shut down all week. I trudged through plenty worse back in my Binghamton days, but today's kids are coddled.
My wife has chosen this weekend to go down to San Diego to see her mom, regardless of the fact that she's well aware Valentine's Day is the most important Hallmark holiday of all to me. I'll be taking solace in the company of the FC boys at dinner tomorrow night, along with some of their wives. The ones who apparently care. #1 is wifeless as well so he'll be my date.
Hey, have you been to the Foster City Safeway lately? It's quite a place. They installed self checkout a few months ago. I was going to use the regular checkout today because I had a lot of stuff but the lines were too long so I went self serve. There was a geezer next to me grumbling about the lack of express lanes and the difficulty of using the machines. He was looking to me for concurrence but I was minding my own business. This guy had a band-aid positioned vertically on his bald pate, kind of like a racing stripe. In five years, I'm that guy. I had a bit of trouble with the machines as well. It shut down a couple times and the clerk came over and explained to me that leaning on it throws it off due to the scale. I said “Is it me? Am I uncoordinated?” He assured me that was not the case.
At 2/12/2010 7:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
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