DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Friday, November 13, 2009

Tabloid Report

I picked the wrong line at Safeway earlier this week and had more time to check out the reading material. On the cover of Life and Style magazine, Kourtney Kardashian proclaims that she “loves being pregnant”. Which part? Is it the need to pee every five minutes? She also stated that she's nervous about being a good mom. Oh Kourtney, that's a common feeling. Lots of people, including myself, are nervous about you being a good mom. Elsewhere on the Kardashian front, I hear Khloe and new hubby are trying to have a baby too. I guess this guarantees the next generation of reality TV shows, as well as the complete collapse of what's left of American culture.

There was another headline stating that Clint Eastwood was “frail”. I need to send a letter to their editorial brain trust to let them know that sometimes happens to people approaching 80. However, I'm not buying it. I'm pretty sure Clint can still kick my ass.


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