College Daze
I dropped my son, Zuma Nesta Rock, off at college this past weekend. That’s not really his name. That’s Gwen Stefani’s new baby’s name. I immediately became jealous when I heard it. I wished that I had had the level of creativity required to make up crazy shit like that in early 1990, when I was working on baby names. I’m sure my son would be very happy telling his new buds and profs at GWU, “Hi, I’m Zuma Nesta Rock, but you can call me ZNR for short”. Since he’s now bigger and stronger - but not better looking – than me, it’s probably good I stuck him with a common name.
We flew out of SFO Friday morning and stayed at the home of my wife’s brother, since he and his family were out of town. We had the place to ourselves. Motley Crue was doing a gig in DC, so we had the band and a few of their friends over Friday night. We headed off to the university Saturday morning, after my bud Wig got down from NJ. He was helping me through this experience since I had been sobbing quite a bit during the month of August. Sonny got his dorm key etc and we then said our goodbyes for the day so he could attend his dorm’s meeting and dinner without his dad lurking around.
Wig and I headed back to the house, threw out the remaining party hangers-on, and then went to Safeway to fill the list my wife had given me. I must say that this particular Safeway was not up to the CA standards I am used to. It was pretty dingy and worse yet, didn’t sell beer. I find the arcane state liquor laws of the East Coast to be quite interesting. I’m thinking about doing a thesis on them.
That evening we headed to one of DC’s dining hot spots, Black Salt. Two thumbs up. Wig and I shared some oysters and several small plates with a refreshing New Zealand Sauv Blanc. I’m planning to suggest to the in-laws that we go there when we are back in October. I hope they won’t still be pissed off about those holes in the wall.
After Wig departed Sunday morning, I picked up the boy and went downtown to the bookstore. He had to get his books and I had another list from the wife for GW gear. I checked out first, and then gazed in pride as my progeny handled his first bookstore transaction with success and aplomb. We then headed back to the dorm for his next meeting, and after, off to Catholic U. to pick up #1’s kid for dinner. I splurged, running up a bill over $30 for three. The food was pretty good but the waitress needed to get a longer shirt. She was displaying way too much belly for me. The boys were pretty happy to see each other and discussed their college experiences to date. #1’s son told us about his roommates, whom he’s named The Mormon and The Socialist. He should start a blog. After dinner, we dropped him at CU, and it was back to GW’s Mt. Vernon campus for our farewell. A stoic handshake and my son was on his way.
We flew out of SFO Friday morning and stayed at the home of my wife’s brother, since he and his family were out of town. We had the place to ourselves. Motley Crue was doing a gig in DC, so we had the band and a few of their friends over Friday night. We headed off to the university Saturday morning, after my bud Wig got down from NJ. He was helping me through this experience since I had been sobbing quite a bit during the month of August. Sonny got his dorm key etc and we then said our goodbyes for the day so he could attend his dorm’s meeting and dinner without his dad lurking around.
Wig and I headed back to the house, threw out the remaining party hangers-on, and then went to Safeway to fill the list my wife had given me. I must say that this particular Safeway was not up to the CA standards I am used to. It was pretty dingy and worse yet, didn’t sell beer. I find the arcane state liquor laws of the East Coast to be quite interesting. I’m thinking about doing a thesis on them.
That evening we headed to one of DC’s dining hot spots, Black Salt. Two thumbs up. Wig and I shared some oysters and several small plates with a refreshing New Zealand Sauv Blanc. I’m planning to suggest to the in-laws that we go there when we are back in October. I hope they won’t still be pissed off about those holes in the wall.
After Wig departed Sunday morning, I picked up the boy and went downtown to the bookstore. He had to get his books and I had another list from the wife for GW gear. I checked out first, and then gazed in pride as my progeny handled his first bookstore transaction with success and aplomb. We then headed back to the dorm for his next meeting, and after, off to Catholic U. to pick up #1’s kid for dinner. I splurged, running up a bill over $30 for three. The food was pretty good but the waitress needed to get a longer shirt. She was displaying way too much belly for me. The boys were pretty happy to see each other and discussed their college experiences to date. #1’s son told us about his roommates, whom he’s named The Mormon and The Socialist. He should start a blog. After dinner, we dropped him at CU, and it was back to GW’s Mt. Vernon campus for our farewell. A stoic handshake and my son was on his way.
At 9/11/2008 10:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
and still no new posts - lame!
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