No Cohesive Message
Generally when I write a post, I actually have a theme in mind. Tonight I’m just throwing it against the wall to see what sticks. Kind of like the McCain campaign. If you’re more into Obama, check out this link which 4M sent me.
Tomorrow we're getting the hell out of Dodge for a week. There will be no staycation for DJ and family this year. I just wanted to give a quick shout out to my readers to let you know I haven't forgotten you, although I'm sure you can't say the same.
Did you hear the news that you might be able to take a pill instead of exercise? How long before the news that it also makes you grow a third arm etc. Don't you wish you could take a pill instead of reading this blog?
I also got word this week somebody found a likeness of Jesus on a Cheetoh. I think they need to stop reporting this type of hooey. They’ve also found him in a cat’s fur and a french fry. I think his mother appeared on a piece of toast.
We had a garage sale at my house a few weeks back. It was a three family affair with the #1s and The Execs. We had a good time chatting, drinking coffee and eating bagels. We did not manage to sell all our wares but we got rid of some of it and took a trip to Goodwill with the rest. I had written my name on a piece of paper for someone to write a check and one of my Cro-Magnon pals etched in “is a morron”. I may be a moron for accepting checks at a garage sale but whichever one of you semi-literate beasts wrote that, a pox on your house.
Let’s talk about gas. No, not the prices. I agree that they are too high. When I fill up at my favorite station, Foster City Chevron, on the pump it says “Press button to speak to attendant”. I’ve done it a couple times but the guy never has anything interesting to say. And he has an attitude to boot.
Have I ever mentioned that my kids drink 7 to 8 gallons of milk a week? They are essentially a trio of ravenous savages.
As you know, I work in the telecom field. Bandwidth bureaucrat is the term that’s been bandied about. I think I prefer bandwidth czar, which one of my co-workers called me the other day. It has a nice ring. But that’s not why I brought up work. The story I wanted to relate is regarding an ATT product called Gigaman. As it’s name implies, it’s a service that provides 1 gigabyte of throughput. But Gigaman means so much more to me. I have not shared this with anyone at work but, when I was a small child, I had an imaginary friend named Gigaman.
Perhaps I should go pack my many outfits for the trip.
TK, have a good weekend in Pacific Grove. If your house gets burgled, it wasn’t me. All signs lead to 4M. Speaking of 4M, you gotta join us along with The UK in Vegas in November. Whole fried fish and a couple bottles of Riesling at Lotus of Siam lead to good luck at the blackjack tables.
TCG, I need your professional services when I’m back in town.
A happy 50th to one of my bestest buds, Jimmy The Wig. You’re getting older, not better.
Tomorrow we're getting the hell out of Dodge for a week. There will be no staycation for DJ and family this year. I just wanted to give a quick shout out to my readers to let you know I haven't forgotten you, although I'm sure you can't say the same.
Did you hear the news that you might be able to take a pill instead of exercise? How long before the news that it also makes you grow a third arm etc. Don't you wish you could take a pill instead of reading this blog?
I also got word this week somebody found a likeness of Jesus on a Cheetoh. I think they need to stop reporting this type of hooey. They’ve also found him in a cat’s fur and a french fry. I think his mother appeared on a piece of toast.
We had a garage sale at my house a few weeks back. It was a three family affair with the #1s and The Execs. We had a good time chatting, drinking coffee and eating bagels. We did not manage to sell all our wares but we got rid of some of it and took a trip to Goodwill with the rest. I had written my name on a piece of paper for someone to write a check and one of my Cro-Magnon pals etched in “is a morron”. I may be a moron for accepting checks at a garage sale but whichever one of you semi-literate beasts wrote that, a pox on your house.
Let’s talk about gas. No, not the prices. I agree that they are too high. When I fill up at my favorite station, Foster City Chevron, on the pump it says “Press button to speak to attendant”. I’ve done it a couple times but the guy never has anything interesting to say. And he has an attitude to boot.
Have I ever mentioned that my kids drink 7 to 8 gallons of milk a week? They are essentially a trio of ravenous savages.
As you know, I work in the telecom field. Bandwidth bureaucrat is the term that’s been bandied about. I think I prefer bandwidth czar, which one of my co-workers called me the other day. It has a nice ring. But that’s not why I brought up work. The story I wanted to relate is regarding an ATT product called Gigaman. As it’s name implies, it’s a service that provides 1 gigabyte of throughput. But Gigaman means so much more to me. I have not shared this with anyone at work but, when I was a small child, I had an imaginary friend named Gigaman.
Perhaps I should go pack my many outfits for the trip.
TK, have a good weekend in Pacific Grove. If your house gets burgled, it wasn’t me. All signs lead to 4M. Speaking of 4M, you gotta join us along with The UK in Vegas in November. Whole fried fish and a couple bottles of Riesling at Lotus of Siam lead to good luck at the blackjack tables.
TCG, I need your professional services when I’m back in town.
A happy 50th to one of my bestest buds, Jimmy The Wig. You’re getting older, not better.
At 8/02/2008 12:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did your oldest help you video your rant?
At 8/06/2008 8:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don't forget the Virgin Mary made of dryer lint. Now that is really something. P
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