DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Babble On

I realize my blog production is not what it should be. I should post more but I’ve been in a bit of a mental recession lately.

I was perusing the cover of In Style magazine the other day. For some reason, it arrives in our mailbox although I don’t think anybody here actually bought a subscription. The cover items run the gamut of usual crap but I was intrigued by the item about Rihanna’s “tattoo diary”. I haven’t had a chance to read it but it reminded me of a buddy of mine who had one, which I’ve excerpted here:

The ship docked and we were given 24 hours leave. I went to the nearest dive bar and got shitfaced. I then had a crudely rendered version of an anchor tattooed on my right upper arm

We docked and got 24 hours leave. Within four hours I was completely hammered and had managed to get “MOM” indelibly etched on my left upper arm.

Decided to stop drinking


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