Pack It In
I saw Terry McAuliffe, chairman of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, being interviewed by the lovely Nora O’Donnell this morning on MSNBC. He was trotting out one lame, platitudinous sports analogy after another. He said you don’t stop game seven of the World Series. He also compared Hillary to Eli Manning in the Super Bowl. Before I threw my shoe through the TV screen, I asked Terry if he had ever heard of the ten run rule in softball. I also told him that they let the clock run during my daughter’s blowout basketball games. Guess what? The buzzer has sounded and you and your boss didn’t hear it. I suppose if the game changer didn’t happen, its time to try a rule changer.
For further reading on the topic…
In lighter news, some loon in IL has had a coffin designed like a Pabst Blue Ribbon can. Having been a PBR aficionado for many years, I’m very familiar with it. I think the casket blueprint may have been based on the 16 ounce can vs. the 12 ounce can. Those tall boys fit nicely in the mini-fridge I had in my dorm room,22049,23650097-5012895,00.html
For further reading on the topic…
In lighter news, some loon in IL has had a coffin designed like a Pabst Blue Ribbon can. Having been a PBR aficionado for many years, I’m very familiar with it. I think the casket blueprint may have been based on the 16 ounce can vs. the 12 ounce can. Those tall boys fit nicely in the mini-fridge I had in my dorm room,22049,23650097-5012895,00.html
At 5/12/2008 10:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Here is a way that you can enjoy the PBR experience while still alive:
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