DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sex and the State

What the hell is with these east coast governors and their whacky sex lives? Noted crime fighter Elliot Spitzer was too stupid to carry on a subdued affair, choosing instead to hire hookers with large cash withdrawals. Then we get the news that his replacement has had several extramarital liaisons. I got the full where and when on the news last night. Thanks for getting that out in the open Dave. Maybe your wife decided to step out too because you’re a knucklehead. The coup de grace was the news that former NJ governor James McGreevey confirmed the allegation by one of his former aides that he had three ways with Jersey’s first couple. We did not need to know that. C’mon Jim. You have a daughter. Deny, deny, deny. Fortunately the judge had enough class the seal the divorce records.

These amateurs have nothing on Nelson Rockefeller. In my mind’s eye, he’s flipping us the bird before he discreetly hops in the sack for one last spin before he croaks. That’s the way to make an exit.


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