DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Do we have too much crap and too much time on our hands? I think so. There's cable TV options in the triple digits, which we can TIVO, and the proliferation of rental storage space, where we can put the junk that won't fit in our house. And if you have time to watch David Blaine morph into a publicity seeking prune, or read my blog, then there's no doubt you have way too much time. Yet, with all our free time, they're telling us we work harder than the Europeans. What the hell are they doing all day, trying to figure out how they ended up with so many types of cheese? But greater minds have already pondered these things.

Speaking of stuff, I was in the store recently. Besides for a truffle slicer, I was looking for some pencils. There was a new product on the stationery aisle: anti-bacterial pencils. Who was the marketing genius that came up with that one? I can only view that as a niche product. For example, that might come in handy if your kid's lending his pencils to another kid that picks his nose a lot. Otherwise, I don't see a lot of use for it.


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