DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


As I imagine has happened to many a blogger before me, I've come to the sad realization that my readership does not deserve me. First off, I get a lame comment on my last post from The Wolv, who clearly does not know a ting about The Ting Tings. I'm sad to say this, but I think he has now come to epitomize the term with which he used to denigrate residents of his adopted home state: The Masshole.

Then I get an email from #2 last night, stating that he had to spend 10 minutes on The Google figuring out my references. Was it Zager and Evans that threw you for a loop #2? Stop whining, you freakin' amateur! The Exec doesn't get half the crap I put up here and you never hear him complain.


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