DJ's Detritus

A Creative Writing Class Dropout's Last Refuge

Monday, August 27, 2012

Back By Popular Demand

I had a discussion with The Wig yesterday. This was one of those rare occasions in our 30+ years of banter in which we agreed with each other. He told me that the monthly blog was not working. As much as it pains me to say it, he's right.

My hit count for the month currently stands at 88. I can do better. Not much better, but better. I had also heard rumblings that #1 was losing interest in the blog. If that is the case, then my hit count is in the crapper. Therefore things need to change. Of course #1 also said that my posts are much more interesting when they are about the FC boys. I wish the actual hanging out with them was more interesting. But I digress. As of today I'm going back to the old SLA. There will be a post at least every ten days.

As usual, my recent existence has been interesting. Last month I was chosen for jury duty. Most times I just call the night before and they tell me I'm dismissed. No such luck this time. I won't discuss the details of the case but it ended up being a mistrial. It was an interesting process, if not exactly 12 Angry Men. There was a bit of slack time daily so I made sure to bring some reading material, like my wife's Newsweek magazines and my favorite Dostoyevsky novel, Crime and Punishment. The trial lasted two weeks and that $15 a day sure came in handy.

So what's pissing me off these days?. Oh, there's plenty, but idiots that can't manage to park between the lines comes to mind first. At least I have company. 

Maybe some of the offenders can take lessons from my son, as he is now a professional car parker.

I was driving up FC Boulevard a while back and I thought I saw some dude walking his kitty. As I got closer, I realized it was a miniature collie. Maybe I need glasses for more than reading now.

I love it when someone comes up with a creative name for their business. You can find this one off El Camino in San Mateo. I'm sure they are not happy with the new medical marijuana dispensary that recently opened down the street from them, Stop N Dope.

OK, I don't want to wear out my welcome. I'll see you in 10 days or less.


  • At 8/27/2012 5:07 PM, Blogger James said…

    I can sleep better at night now knowing that DJ is on the job and ready to post.


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